by Rich Brimer | May 24, 2007 | General, memior |
When we got our lab-mix Bailey nearly 11 years ago, we were living near the Snohomish river in Monroe Washington. Being that she was part Labrador Retriever, I was looking forward to taking her to the river on occasion to run along the shore splashing like dogs do....
by Rich Brimer | Apr 10, 2007 | General |
In celebration of his upcoming graduation from CLU (B.A. in Fine Art) You are invited to: Rich Brimer’s Art Show – “Finding Facesâ€A Celebration of Life! Opening Reception on Wednesday, April 11, 2007 at 7pm California Lutheran University Campus – Overton...
by Rich Brimer | Feb 23, 2007 | Painting |
I finished the “Prison” paintings and my art is being shown at California Lutheran University as a part of the Presidential Inauguration Celebration (CLU got a new president this year.) “A Celebration of the Arts†Command performances from Theatre Arts...
by Rich Brimer | Feb 1, 2007 | Painting |
Last weekend I was asked to paint during an evening coffeehouse concert. The vibe was very cool and there were lots of great people to share the experience. When I was considering the evening’s theme “Techno-Primitive” it made me think of a drawing I...
by Rich Brimer | Dec 6, 2006 | face of love, General, Painting |
Just checking in to show that I had more progress over the weekend. I hope to finish it in a few soon.