Our Bailey

When we got our lab-mix Bailey nearly 11 years ago, we were living near the Snohomish river in Monroe Washington. Being that she was part Labrador Retriever, I was looking forward to taking her to the river on occasion to run along the shore splashing like dogs do....

Upcoming Art Show

In celebration of his upcoming graduation from CLU (B.A. in Fine Art) You are invited to: Rich Brimer’s Art Show – “Finding Faces”A Celebration of Life! Opening Reception on Wednesday, April 11, 2007 at 7pm California Lutheran University Campus – Overton...

Presidential Art Show

I finished the “Prison” paintings and my art is being shown at California Lutheran University as a part of the Presidential Inauguration Celebration (CLU got a new president this year.) “A Celebration of the Arts” Command performances from Theatre Arts...

Performance Painting

Last weekend I was asked to paint during an evening coffeehouse concert. The vibe was very cool and there were lots of great people to share the experience. When I was considering the evening’s theme “Techno-Primitive” it made me think of a drawing I...