Available Works

Turquoise Trail” 40×32″ Oil painting by Rich Brimer. $6900 Framed
Below is a collection of available oil paintings by Rich Brimer. Shipping costs vary depending on speed and size. I will let you know after your purchase what the costs will be and I will get your painting right out to you.
“Illume” 22×26″ Oil on Canvas with 1″ Black Frame ($4200)
“Grotto | Carmel Highlands” 20×24″ SOLD
“A View Through” oil painting on Linen. 24×36″ $6400
Aqua Surge- Big Sur 48×48″ $8500
“Last Light-Mono Basin” 24×44″ $7200
“Consider the Ocotillo”, 10×12 oil on Birch panel (Plein Air-$900)
“Green Ravine” 24×24″ oil on canvas ($4200)
“Equinox Promenade” 20×24″ Oil on Canvas
“The Old Grain Barn—Arroyo Grande” 8×18″ Oil—Maple Floater Frame ($800)
“Dancing in the Light” 25×37″ Oil Embellished Giclee on Canvas 1″ Black frame ($1500)
“Among the Watchers” 20×24″ Oil on Canvas $3400
“Beyond the Surface – China Cove” 48×48″ Oil on Linen $9200
“Door to China Cove” 14×18″ Oil on Canvas ($1200)
“The big thaw” 8×10″ (Plein Air – $450)
“Coach Whip Canyon” 9×12″ Oil on Board (Plein Air – $800)
“Hot Pink Flashes” (24×24″ Oil on Canvas 1/2″ Silver floater frame ($3500)