My El Matador Morning

The View Through — 8″x10″ Oil on Birch Board The Ventura County chapter of the California Art Club hosted their monthly paint-out at El Matador State Beach this morning. I know… its LA County, but whateveh! I think I was the first one there at 9am,...

Pondering with Paint

I have been painting again. This weekend I was with a fantastic colorist and impressionistic painter David Gallup. It was a wonderful time of conversation, philosophy and most of all COLOR. It was a real eye opener for me about using paint that I have never had on my...

Life is Beautiful

Here is a collection of some more photos of the beautiful California that I live in. It is truly a wonderful part of the world to live in. Most people only get to...

Wander and Wonder

Wander and Wonder One of my favorite things is to watch emerging “Aha!” moments. Whether it is a moment in myself or in another fellow human, being around when the “Aha!” hits is wonderful. It’s like turning a dark corner on a rainy country road, to suddenly...

Do you see it? II

Craig Detwiler is film maker, professor, writer and promoter of the arts in the Church. In this video (re-posted from his website) he passionately offers a call to ALL artists in the Church to create and inspire the world by harnessing beauty and creating great art...

Some Color in Life

Everywhere I look, I can see beauty. Even in the most mundane places, if I gaze long enough, I can find the Beautiful peaking around the corner. Then there are other times that is hits you so hard, that it is undeniable. Below are a few photos I have taken on my...